Thursday, April 15, 2010

Support These Poor Hungry Childrens

The Washington Post reported on the crisis in the “hungry horn” of Africa last week. In Somalia, U.N. officials predict that half of the population, about 3.5 million people, will need food aid. The New York Times explains the hunger is driven by rampant political insecurity, spikes in global food prices, devaluation of the local currency, and a severe drought.

The World Food Program is struggling to keep up, having already doubled the amount of food it distributes in Somalia and needing an additional 369,000 metric tons of food in Ethiopa. But Doctors Without Borders, a medical aid organization, says the situation just keeps getting worse as cereal prices in the Horn in the last year surged by as much as 375 percent. To make things worse, the drought has killed of most livestock, forcing formerly self-sufficient people to wait in line for food aid.

Kindly Give Your 5 Mins to these Poor and Hungry Children Dieing for Food

Your Little Action can save their life and bring them 1 time food

A Horrible Picture

just open this link and fill a survey to give them 5 dollar

Note : It will not cost you any except some minutes

so whats important? your few minutes or a child life?
